Floor maintenance notice

From Monday 6 January until Friday 10 January, the gym floor will undergo maintenance. To keep all equipment available, some cardio equipment will be moved to our health express studio and other equipment relocated to our outdoor training area. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

One alert active

We offer Normatec recovery boots in the recovery room at Macleod Recreation and Fitness Centre.

Our Normatec recovery boots can be hired for 45-minute treatment sessions. They're a great way to warm up before a workout or to aid recovery after exercise.  

Whether you’re training for a sporting event, recovering from injury or simply need some TLC – see how Normatec recovery boots can support your health and wellness routine!

What are Normatec recovery boots?

Normatec recovery boots use compression therapy to support your workout and recovery.

By massaging the feet, ankles and legs with gentle compression and pulsing actions, the boots ease sore muscles and help you recover faster.

If you’ve ever experienced a workout which leaves your legs achy and exhausted – Normatec recovery boots are a great way to help you move and feel better.
Man on chair using Normatec Compression boots therapy

Normatec recovery boots benefits

  • Enhanced circulation and lymphatic system function
  • Improved range of movement and flexibility
  • Faster recovery and injury prevention
  • Decreased soreness and fatigue
  • Reduced tissue repair time
Macleod recovery lounge room with Normatec Compression boots



Current Platinum and Gold members can book a Normatec recovery boots session by logging into their customer portal account.

Casual visitors

Not a member with us? Book a casual-entry Normatec Recovery Treatment in our recovery lounge today. 

Book now

Platinum and Gold members can use the Normatec recovery boots for free as part of their membership!

Become a member